Spread the Word
About the One Earth Film Fest
with Our Marketing Toolkit
Thank you for helping us inspire change! As a grassroots organization, we rely on our supporters, friends, filmmakers, and sponsoring organizations to spread the word about the One Earth Film Festival. This marketing toolkit gives you the event information, logos, and social media links and hashtags you need to share festival news, promote events, and expand the festival’s reach with members of your organization.
A marketing guide in document form is here for your use, or you can gather content from below. Questions? Contact Cesar Almeida at [email protected].
Event Description
Join us for the 2024 One Earth Film Festival, in partnership with the city of Chicago, April 17-23, 2024. We are the Midwest’s premier environmental film festival, and we have an exciting lineup of top films during Earth Week this year. Show our Earth some love and join us for virtual watch parties screening nationally and internationally, and in-person watch parties in the Chicagoland area. Each watch party includes expert panel discussions that will equip you with ways to take action on climate change and environmental injustice. Registration is highly recommended and tickets are mostly free with a suggested $8 donation. Book your tickets today!
Promo Video
(Perfect for: Using with general event description in your email, calendar listings, newsletters, and other communications pieces)
OEFF reverse logo jpg.
OEFF logo jpg.
OEFF logo reverse jpg.
OEFF logo png.
Social Media
(Perfect for: Tagging and promoting One Earth Film Festival events via your organization’s social media accounts)
Please follow us on social media before, during, and after the festival. We encourage you to share, retweet, comment on, and reply to our posts.
Hashtags (So we can find and share YOUR posts)
#oeff2024 #oneearth2024 #oneearthfilmfestival #earthdayfilmfest
OEFF Social Media Accounts
Facebook: facebook.com/OneEarthFilmFest
Twitter: twitter.com/OneEarthFF
Instagram: instagram.com/oneearthff
Instagram: instagram.com/oneearthyfc
TikTok: tiktok.com/@oneearthyfc
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/green-community-connections-one-earth-film-fest/
YouTube: youtube.com/@GCCOakPark
Sample Social Media Descriptions (Just copy and paste!)
Join us on Earth Week @oneearthff! April 17-23, experience the power of storytelling at the 2024 One Earth Film Festival. Let's inspire real change together! Tickets: (link). #OEFF2024 #realstories #realchange
Celebrate Earth Week with Reel Stories at the midwest's premiere environmental film festival. The One Earth Film Festival (April 17-23) @oneearthff brings you films that challenge, inspire, and awaken. Join us by sharing your commitments to environmental causes with #ShareReelStories. Tickets: (link). #OEFF2024 #reelstories #realchange
Change Begins with a Story. This Earth Week, April 17-23, make a reel impact with @oneearthff. Watch the film [Film Name]. Witness the change. Be the change. Tickets: (link). #OEFF2024 #reelstories #realchange
Sample Newsletter Content Section:
Sample 1: Join One Earth Film Festival for a Week of Reel Stories and Real Change
This Earth Week (April 17-23, 2024), the One Earth Film Festival (OEFF) in partnership with the City of Chicago, presents a unique opportunity to engage with environmental justice and climate change through the power of film. This year's theme, "Reel Stories. Real Change." harnesses the power of storytelling to ignite change. The curated selection of inspiring films promises to not only elevate the conversation around environmental challenges but also connect you with opportunities to make a real change. Whether you're a long-time advocate or new to the cause, your voice and actions can help shape a more sustainable and just world. Participate in the festival and share yours on social media with #ShareReelStories, and let’s inspire action together. Discover more and stay updated: linktr.ee/oneearthff.Sample 2: Earth Week's Cinematic Call to Action at One Earth Film Fest
Celebrate Earth Week with the One Earth Film Festival from April 17-23, 2024. 2024 One Earth Film Festival theme, "Reel Stories. Real Change." invites you to not just watch films but to become a part of a global movement towards environmental action. The festival, happening during the crucial week of Earth Day, features both in-person and online screenings, making it accessible to everyone, everywhere. We encourage you to participate in our global movement by sharing how these stories inspire you to take action. Join the #ShareReelStories campaign and be a part of the change. Connect with One Earth Film Festival and the community: linktr.ee/oneearthff.
Shareable Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn images that you can right-click to download and use
Facebook Event Pages
Family/Youth Flyer
Earth Day Flyer
Earth Day Mini Film Fest flyer.
(Create your own posts using our photos)
Film Festival Screenings and Special Events
Support from the City of Chicago
Young Filmmakers Workshops and Contest Awards Event
OEFF Newsletter
This monthly newsletter published by One Earth Collective, which comes out more frequently January through March, contains brief and interesting interviews, film previews, behind-the-scenes looks, and other important news. Sign up online.
Use this link to easily share an email about the festival.
Earth Words Blog
Our writers produce engaging content distributed via our blog, Earth Words. Feel free to share the content with your own audience. All we ask is that you give us the credit for the piece(s), “Courtesy of One Earth Film Festival,” or “By One Earth Film Festival Staff.”
Film Laurels
(Perfect for: Filmmakers and film subjects to place on websites as a way to promote the inclusion of their projects in the film festival)
OEFF Black Laurel .png
OEFF White Laurel .eps
OEFF White Laurel .png