
Thank you at Closing event.

Future Volunteer Opportunities

Let us know your strengths, interests, and availability so that we can match you with future volunteer opportunities on the planning team or for special events. One task that will ramp up in late summer is “Film Reviewer” for the 2025 One Earth Film Festival. If this role interests you at all, please select it on the form below.

Become a Fest Ambassador!

Help us get the word out FAR AND WIDE. One beautiful thing about going virtual is that our audience can grow: we have more seats at each film screening and, for most films, they can be anywhere in the U.S. 

We’ll provide social media, email and text messages you can adapt to your people—your friends, family, colleagues, faith community, book club—you get where we are going with this. It won’t take more than three 20-minute sessions to do this work, we promise.

Volunteer In Person for One Earth Film Fest in April

Help us work together to ignite our film audiences to action during the One Earth Film Festival, from April 17 to 23. We seek volunteers for in person screenings and events: greeters, registration, zero waste, and more. Choose from screenings and events listed below.

Please share the above information with others who might want to join you as an OEFF Volunteer this season.

Questions? Contact [email protected].

Festival Background for Volunteers

We invite you to take some time and get to know the festival by browsing our website. Volunteers play key leadership and support roles in the planning and execution of the film festival. We have a team of highly skilled, experienced professional people who work as volunteers for the film fest, which also makes it a great place for lesser experienced volunteers to gain experience and learn new skills.

Benefits of Volunteering

In addition to getting to work with an amazing, energetic group of people on an important project promoting understanding and action to build resilient sustainable communities, all volunteers will:

Two volunteers.
  • see amazing films

  • learn about concrete eco-action opportunities

  • engage with the community and meet new people

  • get a One Earth Film Festival organic cotton t-shirt

  • receive an invitation to the volunteer celebration in April 2025

Hosting and Events Phase of the Film Fest - mid February through mid March:

Sign-up to volunteer for film events during the film festival through signupgenius.com. The system will be open for signing up in early February. Check back for specific locations, times and roles. Tasks

  • Conduct registration

  • Welcome audience; answer questions and direct attendees

  • Help with set-up and re-set tasks

  • Setup and manage projection equipment

  • Take photos or video footage at film showings for our Facebook page

  • Live-tweet the event and post to Facebook and other social media to amplify engagement

  • Help people recycle, compost and dispose of trash to support "zero waste" goal

Planning and Preparation Phase of the Film Fest - October through March

Volunteer teams and roles:

Film Review Team
Research and review potential films for the fest. View films and complete film report cards. Participate in the team dialogue process to identify top priority films that meet the criteria of the festival.

Film Programming Team
Use input from the film review team and dialogue with cluster leads and information from film fest archives to identify skilled facilitators, potential resource persons and action partners appropriate to each film and geographic cluster.

Fund-Raising Team
Work with the development coordinator helping to plan and carryout tasks including grant proposal-writing, solicitation of corporate and individual donors, delivery of sponsor benefits, and communication with donors, assist with fund-raising events.

Audience Development Team (Marketing & Publicity)
Identify audience segments and what films/topics might be of greatest interest to them, determine effective outreach vehicles for various audiences, write press releases, conduct social media campaigns, attend events through which to reach audiences.

Cluster Partnerships & Logistics
Determine which partners from previous years will work with the fest again, engage new partners as needed, evaluate venues and AV needs and work with partners to select appropriate venues. In dialogue with film programming team members, plan for and contact resource persons and action partners. Work with community partners to fill volunteer roles if possible.

Team Development & Support
Invite volunteers from general sources to fill slots not filled by cluster teams. Support communication and coordination among teams. Help match volunteer needs with skills and interests of available volunteers.

Thank you to our 2023 Volunteers!