Young Filmmakers Online Academy
Parents and teachers are always looking for new and exciting online educational materials. Look no further. The Young Filmmakers Online Academy is for 3rd through 8th graders and was developed during the summer of 2020 by Patrick Thomas Keen of PTK Productions. Along with help from film editor Evan Fintzy, Keen has taken the most up-to-date filmmaking pedagogy and distilled it into this series covering Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production. Only cell phone or tablet with editing software required. This adaptable series is for individuals and classrooms, to use on your own or synchronously. Lesson plans and optional equipment list included.
What Will You Get?
Included in this package are a series of short videos explaining all the major concepts involved in filmmaking along with supplementary materials such as storyboards and an optional equipment list.
40 to 60 minutes. A series of short videos with time to discuss, research and practice.
Lesson Guide
Storyboard Template
Sample Script
Introduction to Filmmaking
Sample Film
Genre, Tone, & Three-Act Structure
Scriptwriting & Storyboards
Interviews & Asking Questions
Preproduction Conclusion
Create at home. Write script and create storyboard.
40 to 60 minutes. A series of short videos with time to discuss, research and practice.
Lesson Guide
Production Introduction
Safety on Set
Props, Costumes & Locations
Lighting & Shadows
Sound Recording
Production Conclusion
Create at home. Record the film.
40 to 60 minutes. A series of short videos with time to discuss, research and practice.
Lesson Guide
Post-Production Introduction
Editing Essentials
Titles & Visual Effects
Soundtracks & Audio Editing
Credits, Citing Sources & Permissions
Publishing, Privacy, & Digital Citizenship
Enter the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest
Create at home. Edit and publish. Enter the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest, if you choose
Can be presented over 3 weeks, ideally, with time for script writing, filming, and editing in-between sessions
Can be presented over 3 days
Can be presented over 3 hours
For individual use alone
For classroom use in groups
For synchronous learning
For asynchronous learning
Closed caption videos (English and Spanish)
Video playback speed control
Transcription documents with screen reader support
High contrast text ratios
70+ rating on the Flesch reading-ease scale (suitable for 7th grade reading level equivalence)
Students work on the film as they take the course
Tools and materials to help create the students’ films
Enter the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest, if you choose
In Person Workshop this December 2024
Young Filmmakers Workshop for Grades 3 to 5
Sunday, December 8, 1 to 4:30 p.m.
Students in grades 3 to 5 will learn the basics of how to make a film from professional filmmakers. Instruction will cover story, framing, lighting, audio, editing, and production. Entering the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest is encouraged but not compulsory.
BRING AN IPAD OR TABLET! Nut-free snacks and water are provided. Cost is $45 for River Forest residents and $50 for non-residents. Location is River Forest Depot, 401 Thatcher Ave., River Forest, IL. This is a collaboration with the River Forest Park District.
2024 Filmmaking Workshop Photo Gallery
2019 Filmmaking Workshop Photo Gallery
Check out this series of photos from our 2019 workshops, prior to Covid. We’ve been teaching students filmmaking since 2014.

The Young Filmmakers Online Academy was funded by a grant from the Environmental Law & Policy Center.