2025 Contest Media Kit
Social media image for promotion on Facebook, Instagram, X, LInkedIn, and in eNewsletters.
Share our POSTER/IMAGE via email, newsletters, and social media along with the following text for May 25, 2025 deadline:
Sample Social Media Description. Just copy and paste along with image.
Inspire environmental change or action through film. One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest seeks short, 3- to 8-minute environmental films from youth from third grade through age 25. Animated films of 45-seconds minimum are also accepted. Rules are more relaxed for those in grade 12 and up, and prizes have expanded. There are four $1,000 top prizes for live action, animation, creativity, and post grad categories, as well as several $500 activism awards. Submission is easy on Film Freeway. Learn more here: https://www.oneearthfilmfest.org/contest-details
PNG Poster/Image for Young Filmmakers Contest 2025, with disclaimer for schools.
PDF Poster/Image for Young Filmmakers Contest 2025, with disclaimer for schools.
To request printed postcards and flyers about the Young Filmmakers Contest – and for questions, please contact [email protected].
More about One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest
The Young Filmmakers Contest has been a part of the One Earth Film Festival since 2013. Its purpose is to engage youth in the global conversation about climate change and think about actions to reverse the current trend. In this way, the power of the people can be harnessed to promote sustainable living.
Rules vary by age. We ask students from grades 3 to 11 to research one of seven sustainability topics: climate, energy, food, transportation, waste, water or wildlife and ecosystems and then create a film of 3 to 8 minutes in length (or minimum 45 seconds for animation).
3-8 minute films should present a solution to a problem from one of the seven topics.
Animations can present a solution or motivate viewers towards awareness or behavior change for one of the seven topics.
The rules are more relaxed for students from grade 12 through age 25. They should make an environmental film of 3 to 8 minutes in length (or minimum 45 seconds for animation) that promotes change or action.
Cash prizes (or a scholarship) are awarded at the elementary school ($100), middle school ($200), high school (grades 9-11) ($350), senior year to college (three $1,000 scholarships), and post graduate levels ($1,000 cash), along with matching grants for sustainability organizations of each winner’s choice, related to the theme of their film. Several $500 activism awards were added recently. Winning films will premiere as part of the One Earth Film Festival in April.
The deadline for submissions is May 25, 2025. For more information, contact [email protected].
Share our VIDEO via email, newsletters, and social media:
This two-minute minute video gives a quick overview of the Young Filmmakers Contest, while introducing some of our previous winners. Corinne Chapman and former contest winner Adam Joel of Aggressively Compassionate directed the film; Abby Lyons composed and performed the music.
Connect with our One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: instagram.com/oneearthyfc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-crothers-188702227/