Earth Pancakes

From Director Philip Hunt, Director of “Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth.”


  • 100G plain flour

  • pinch of salt

  • One egg, beaten

  • 250ml milk

  • butter for frying

(Or cheat and use pancake mix…)

What to Do Next

1.       Sift the flour and salt into a medium bowl.

2.       Make a well in the centre, add the beaten egg and mix it up.

3.       Whisk in the milk until you have a smooth, pourable batter…

4.       Set aside HALF; this will be your OCEAN.

5.       With the remaining batter, add a dab of brown food colouring - and a bit more flour to thicken the mix - this will be your LAND.

6.       Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat.

7.       Add some butter and swirl it around.

8.       Cross your fingers.

9.       With a spoon or pipette, dribble in the thicker, darker batter to create the continents. 

10.   Let it cook till it starts to set.

11.   Be confident; it will all work out!

12.   Then add the lighter batter to make the ocean.

13.   Don't panic. I repeat DON’T PANIC.

14.   When the pancake starts to bubble and curl, tease the edges with a spatula, flip and serve with Maple Syrup.

15.   Or lemon if you are European and weird.

16.   Berries are also acceptable.

17.   And there you are - EARTH PANCAKES FOR EARTH DAY!

18.   Repeat until you regret eating one too many.