Searching for the Gold Spot: The Wild After Wildfire

Searching for the Gold Spot: The Wild After Wildfire

Maya Khosla/2017/31 min/Conservation

Saturday, March 3, 2 p.m. [Lake County]
Prairie Crossing School, Grayslake

Wednesday, March 7, 6 p.m. [West]
Garfield Park Conservatory, Chicago

CHICAGO-AREA PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: Nature has a secret power for rejuvenating itself: wildfire. This film showcases the rapid and amazing comeback of forests after wildfire. Follow teams of scientists and firefighters through the post-fire areas in the Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Range and beyond. They find rare black-backed woodpeckers, goshawks, spotted owls and their young, and many other animals flourishing. Their presence offers a new sense of hope for all.



Linda Booker/2017/32 min/Waste

Saturday, March 3, 2 p.m. [Lake County]
Prairie Crossing School, Grayslake

Saturday, March 10, 11 a.m. [W Suburbs]
Thatcher Woods Pavilion, River Forest

Saturday, March 10, 6 p.m. [North]
St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Park Ridge
(please enter at Crescent Ave. entrance)
Resource Fair at 6 p.m. Film at 7 p.m.
Admission $7

CHICAGO-AREA PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: It’s time to ditch your straw. With colorful animation and segments narrated by Oscar winner Tim Robbins, this award-winning, 32-minute film explains the problems stemming from plastic pollution and empowers you to be part of the solution. Americans use once and then toss an estimated 500 million straws every day. Ocean Conservancy ranks plastic straws as the fifth most common items on beaches. They also wind up in landfills, litter streets and add to the estimated 8.5 metric tons of plastic debris in oceans annually. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.

Young Filmmakers Contest: Winners Screenings, Awards + Reception

Young Filmmakers Contest: Winners Screenings, Awards + Reception

Saturday, March 3, 1 p.m. [Downtown]
Columbia College, Music Center, Chicago

Come see the winning films of our Young Filmmakers Contest. This year, we received a record number of entries. Enjoy the films, applaud the young filmmakers as they receive their prizes in several categories from elementary through college age, and learn about the nonprofit organizations they have chosen to receive matching grants. The three- to eight-minute films and 45-second (or longer) animations will cover energy, food, transportation, waste, water, or open space/ecosystems. Stay for a reception with food to celebrate their achievements.