NEW: Vertical Video Contest

#makeurfuture on TikTok

Carlos Barquero/Shutterstock

NEW: Vertical Video Contest #makeurfuture
WHAT: Create a 1 to 3 minute vertical video for TikTok.
WHERE: Wherever you live
HOW: With your cell phone. Post on TikTok with the hashtag #makeurfuture
WHY: To show us the future you dream about. Will cars be flying machines powered with renewable energy? Will plastic be replaced by something biodegradable? Will oceans be clean again? Will meat be grown in Petri dishes instead of by factory farms? Will homes be heated and cooled by renewable energy? Will power generated from fossil fuels become obsolete? Will public transportation be abundant, clean, and efficient? Will endangered species thrive again? Will lawns be replaced with native plants supporting ecosystems? Look in your crystal ball and tell us what you see in the future.
WHEN: Submit by Nov. 1, 2022
PRIZES: Cash prizes $$

LOOKING FOR A BIGGER CHALLENGE? Check out the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest where you can make a 3 to 8 minute horizontal film and win up to $1,000 in scholarships and prizes.