Women of carbon

Basia & Leonard Myszynski/2024/58 Min/Sustainability, Architecture, Energy

Teens and young adults are encouraged to attend.

“I often meet women who truly inspire me, and the Women of Carbon exemplify this perfectly.” -Nicole Alicia Xavier

“The story depicted in the film is still one of ringing optimism where a continued push, even at a community level, can make a world of difference.” - Kristine Klein

Film Description: Innovative women are redefining our relationship with carbon by repurposing living materials, reengineering waste into valuable chemicals that clean the climate, and driving decarbonization in our built environment. They share life/work challenges while thriving in male-dominated industries. Their collective wisdom comes together to form a singular belief and purpose to restore, protect and ultimately preserve the planet. The secret lies in the Earth itself. Told through a feminine lens, the story delves into the minds and spirits of dedicated, driven and dynamic 21st century trailblazers whose work is placing them at the core of decarbonization, human health and economic opportunity.

We will also be screening one of the One Earth Young Filmmakers Honorable Mention films Two Level House by Arfiyan Dewa Purnama.

Stay after the film for an enlightening facilitated dialogue with relevant experts and advocates.

Monday, April 28, 6 to 9:00 p.m. CDT
Chicago Architecture Center. 111 E Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL 60601

Tickets $20 standard / $15 AIA (American Institute of Architects) Chicago Members / $10 students

We may have a limited number of scholarship tickets for those experiencing hardship. Please reach out to [email protected] for more info, with subject line: Scholarship Ticket Inquiry. Thank you!

Monday, April 28, 6 to 8:30 p.m. CDT. Free with a suggested $8 donation.