One Earth Film Festival has chosen “This Is the Moment” as its 2018 festival theme, marking the first time in its seven-year history that One Earth has adopted a theme for its annual series of events.
The new theme embraces the urgent calls for environmental action conveyed in many of the films that will be screened during the festival, which runs March 2-11.
“This is the Moment” underscores the urgency for awareness and action as the effects of climate change intensify across the planet.
While “Moving Planet, Moving People” remains the festival’s permanent tagline, “This Is the Moment” is a direct call to action that One Earth is issuing this year through all its programs: Commit now to a personal or community plan for safeguarding the environment.
As part of all screening programs, One Earth Film Festival will encourage attendees to support or sign up for concrete actions they can take to ensure a healthy planet. Festival programs will offer multiple solutions-based opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds.
“At the festival’s core is the mission to share stories not only about environmental challenges but also the inspiring stories of human resilience and creativity in confronting them,” said Festival director Ana Garcia Doyle. “We see this as a decisive moment. We are urging everyone to commit to being more loving stewards of our one and only Earth.”
One Earth Film Festival is inviting all audience members to make the theme your own by completing the sentence “This is the moment to _________,” filling in the blank with the actions that suit your abilities, situations and concerns. For example, you might say, “This is the moment to act for the planet” or “This is the moment to walk more than drive” or “This is the moment to install a solar system.”
The moment to take action is not tomorrow or some future day.
The moment to act is now.
One Earth Film Festival team members Erin, Jen and Diana.