Bike riding is a summer pleasure—good for the body and soul. . . as well as the planet. If you live in Chicagoland, you must try The Magic of Music Ride Series, accompanied by a DJ spinning a custom music list of tunes. I tried it for the first time on July 22nd and had a ball! All kinds of people came out—daters, families, young and old.
Chicago Environmental Advocates You Should Know
Festival audiences expect to leave screenings with information that will guide them in taking the next steps on their sustainability journey. That is the Power of We. When people feel connected to others by a common passion or commitment, much gets done. Problems are solved. Communities become healthier. The Earth gets healed.
Chicago is fortunate to have many advocates on the front lines of climate action and environmental and social justice.
Remembering Sally Stovall
When most people retire, they kick back, take cruises, and visit the grandchildren. Sally Stovall was not most people. She did, indeed, relish visiting her grandchildren, but after she retired from a career in organizational development, Sally embarked on a new, vibrant career as climate activist and community organizer.