2023 One Earth Contest Winners Span the Globe

2023 One Earth Contest Winners Span the Globe

Since its inception in 2013, the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest has grown from a local, Oak Park/River Forest, Illinois, project accepting just 12 submissions to a highly competitive international competition garnering 403 submissions. Countries such as Brazil, Australia and Mexico and states such as California, Georgia and Indiana will be represented among this year’s winners at the Global Awards Celebration at 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 17, in person at the Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State St., in Chicago, or online virtually anywhere in the world.

Reserve free tickets here: tinyurl.com/yfc23awards

Historic Youth Climate Trial in Montana: No Miracles Needed

Historic Youth Climate Trial in Montana: No Miracles Needed

Held v. Montana was the first of the youth climate cases to make it past many procedural hurdles over many years and arrive in a trial court in Helena, MT. There, over seven days (June 12-20, 2023), Judge Kathy Seeley heard from the 16 young plaintiffs as well as world-renowned experts, including Dr. Mark Jacobson, on the effects of climate change in the world overall and specifically in Montana—temperatures warming, glaciers melting, rivers drying up, forests burning, air-quality alerts becoming more common.

2023 Festival Kicks Off with Gusto

2023 Festival Kicks Off with Gusto

Festive. And loud. That was the mood and volume at the 2023 One Earth Film Festival kick-off party Friday night as whistles, cheers, applause and cowbell noisemakers delivered on this year’s theme, “Let’s Get Loud!”

The 12th annual festival roared back to a fully in-person event, while filmmakers, whose works are featured selections this year, joined via Zoom and were projected on a large screen for everyone to see.

Did Government Fuel the Climate Crisis?

Did Government Fuel the Climate Crisis?

The film Youth v Gov is the story of Juliana v. United States, the legal case filed by Our Children’s Trust in 2015. In Juliana, 21 plaintiffs from 9 states sued the U.S. government for violating their constitutional rights to life, liberty, personal safety, and property. Their claim is that through its willful actions, the U.S. government has created and is continuing to create the climate crisis these young people will inherit.

Announcing Festival Theme 2023: LET'S GET LOUD!

Announcing Festival Theme 2023: LET'S GET LOUD!

We are excited to announce that the theme for the 2023 festival is "Let's Get Loud!" This theme is inspired by the words of Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, a renowned climate scientist who has said that the most important thing we can do to fight climate change is to talk about it. We believe that by raising our voices and spreading awareness about the urgent need to address the climate crisis, we can discuss actions-based solutions, and create real and lasting change.

COP27: Digging in the Sand at Sharm El-Sheikh

COP27: Digging in the Sand at Sharm El-Sheikh

Representatives from nearly 200 countries will attend the “Conference of the Parties,” or COP27, November 6-18, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. This is the 27th time since 1992 that world nations have gathered to collaborate on global action to fight climate change. Our window for action is shrinking. We really need everyone—elected leaders, corporations, community organizations and individuals—to commit to doing the most we can, as quickly as we can. COP27 is an important symbol of that collaboration.

Sharm El-Sheikh is a beautiful resort town in a country with a dubious grasp on human rights, a fitting mix of hope and despair. Can something productive come out of this conference?