Chanda Chevannes/2017/93 min/Health-Environment
MIDWEST PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: A hopeful documentary about fighting with your whole heart, Unfractured follows introspective biologist and mother Sandra Steingraber as she reinvents herself as an outspoken activist and a leader in New York’s biggest grassroots movement in decades. Branded a “toxic avenger” by Rolling Stone Magazine, Sandra became determined to fight the oil and gas industry to win a state-wide ban on fracking. This film hits at the intersection of energy justice and social justice. It’s also one of several One Earth Film Festival selections highlighting a strong female role model.
Teens and young adults are encouraged to attend.
May contain heavy themes and graphic images.
Thursday, March 8, 6 to 9:30 p.m. [W Suburbs]
Nineteenth Century Club, 178 Forest Ave., Oak Park
Reception at 6 p.m. Film begins at 7 p.m.
Admission $20 includes reception*
OEFF After Hours Event. Come for an evening out with friends or date night. Mix and mingle at a 6 p.m. reception offering food and drink. After the film, participate in a Q & A with Unfractured filmmaker, Chanda Chevannes, via Skype. Learn about socially responsible investments with Joe O'Krepky, Financial Advisor/Socially Responsible Investments with Edward Jones. And, as the fracking industry carves its way into Illinois, get the latest from Tabitha Tripp of Southern Illinoisans Against Fracturing Our Environment. Facilitator: Susan Lucci, Creator of Experiences--2big4words.
ADA compliant accessible venue.
*For the 2018 season, a generous donor is offering a 2:1 match on all tickets sold at screenings. So for this premium screening, your $20 ticket + $40 ticket match = $60 to support the One Earth Film Fest!