Damon Gameau/2019/92 min/Environmental & Social Justice, People & Culture, Climate Change
CHICAGO-AREA PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: Motivated by concerns about the planet that his 4-year-old daughter would inherit, award-winning director Damon Gameau embarked on a global journey to meet innovators and change-makers in the areas of economics, technology, civil society, agriculture, education and sustainability. This journey is the central premise for the documentary “2040,” a story of hope that looks at the very real possibility that humanity could reverse global warming and improve the lives of every living thing in the process. It is a positive vision of what ‘could be’, instead of the dystopian future we are so often warned about.
Thursday, Feb. 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. [South]
Calumet College of St. Joseph
2400 New York Ave., Whiting, IN
Stay for post-film discussion with Ty Warner of Northwest Indiana Regional Planning Commission and Milan Kruszynski of the Hammond Port Authority. Learn from them about local action opportunities, and sign up to participate in a clean-up of George Lake on Friday, April 24! Facilitator: Doug Dixon, Principal, Sales Performance Solutions and Neighbor, OUR Community.
Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. ADA compliant accessible venue. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend. Refreshments available.
Saturday, March 7, 3 to 5:30 p.m. [North]
St. Clement Parish School, 2524 N. Orchard, Chicago
Stay for post-film discussion, led by Co-Facilitators: Monica Fox, Owner of Magicfox Productions and Co-Chair, Creation Care Ministry at St. Clement Catholic Church; and Rebekah Hamilton, Justice Ministry, St. Clement Catholic Church. Also learn about solutions-based action opportunities from the Archdiocese of Chicago Care of Creation Ministry, Trees That Feed Foundation, Adopt Saplings Project, Green Mountain Energy, Green America, and As You Sow. Refreshments will be available.
Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, March 11, 6:30 to 9 p.m. [North]
Loyola University Chicago, Damen Student Center Cinema,
6511 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago
Stay after the film for a discussion with youth panelists who are active in the local environmental advocacy movement. Learn about related action opportunities from the above panelists, as well as Extinction Rebellion Chicago, Loyola's Student Environmental Alliance, Loyola's Office of Sustainability, and Green Mountain Energy. Facilitator: Barbara A. Wilson, Director, Collaboration & Community Partnerships, Presbytery of Chicago. Light refreshments will be available; food court concessions available nearby for purchase.
Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. ADA compliant accessible venue. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.
Director Damon Gameau.
Thursday, November 5, 7 to 9 p.m. [Lake County]
Gorton Community Center, 400 E. Illinois Rd.
John & Nancy Hughes Theater, Lake Forest
Admission $10, Students $5
Simultaneous free virtual screening
Stay for post-film video Q&A with Damon Gameau, Director of "2040: The Regeneration." Learn from the following local advocacy groups about ways to take related, concrete action: Sierra Club Lake County, Lake Forest Openlands Association, and Green Minds Lake Forest/Lake Bluff. Facilitator: Jamie Hall, Director of Film, Gorton Community Center. Concessions are available for purchase.
Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. ADA compliant accessible venue. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.
Friday, March 13, 6:30 to 9 p.m. [Central]
Navy Pier, Crystal Garden
600 E. Grand Ave., Chicago
Come early to experience the "Power of We" with Nowhere Collective's "Bloom the Room" interactive art experience. Before the film, there will be a special welcome by Bill Reilly of Merrill Lynch's The Reilly Group. After the film, join us for post-film discussion with Olga Lyandres, Ecosystems Specialist at Delta Institute; Vanessa Perkins of E2 Community Charging; and Jamie Ponce, Director of Strategic Partnerships at City Tech Collaborative. Learn about related concrete action opportunities through each of the panelists' organizations, as well as Green Mountain Energy and The Nature Conservancy. Facilitator: Burrell Poe, Program Manager with Goldin Institute. Concessions will be available for purchase.
Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. ADA compliant accessible venue. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.
Crystal Garden is located just steps from the main entrance from Navy Pier on the second level. Escalators and Elevators can be found on the left side of the Pier when looking east towards Crystal Garden.