Beyond Climate — One Earth Film Festival

Beyond Climate

Ian Mauro/2018/49 min/Environmental & Social Justice, Health & the Environment, Historical Perspectives, Climate Change

CHICAGO-AREA PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: British Columbia - Canada’s most westerly province along the Pacific coast - is a hotspot to visualize and experience how global warming affects local environments and communities. Heat waves, droughts, melting glaciers, pest outbreaks, back-to-back record setting forest fires, and changes to the oceans. “Beyond Climate” takes viewers beyond the headlines and into the heart of the issues. Shot throughout the province over many years, the collective wisdom and perspectives of Indigenous leaders, local communities, scientists, and policymakers are featured.

Saturday, March 14, 3 to 4:30 p.m.
[W Suburbs]
Oak Park Public Library, Veterans Room, 834 Lake St., Oak Park

The screening will begin with 4 short Young Filmmakers Contest selections totaling 15 minutes. After the short films and feature film, Stay for post-film discussion with Dr. Sarah Lovinger of Physicians for Social Responsibility; Dr. Jason Funk, Principal & Founder at Land Use and Climate Knowledge Initiative; Chris Lindgren, Superintendent of Parks & Planning at Park District of Oak Park; and Mindy Agnew, Sustainability Coordinator at the Village of Oak Park. Learn about solutions-based opportunities for action with the panelists' organizations, as well as Facilitator: Margot McMahon, Environmental Sculptor, Artist, and Activist. Refreshments will be available.

Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. ADA compliant accessible venue.