Together We Cycle — One Earth Film Festival

Together We Cycle

Arne Gielen and Gertjan Hulster/2020/70 min/Transportation, Climate Change, Social Justice, People & Cultures

FILM DESCRIPTION: The film “Together We Cycle” investigates the critical events that have led to the revival of Dutch cycling culture. For most people, cycling in the Netherlands seems a natural phenomenon. However, until the 1970s the development of mobility in the Netherlands followed trends across the globe. The bicycle had had its day, and the future belonged to the car. The only thing that had to be done was to adapt cities to the influx of cars.

Then Dutch society took a different turn. Against all odds people kept on cycling. Why this happened in the Netherlands has no easy answer. In “Together We Cycle,” key players tell the story of the bumpy road which led to the current state, where cycling is an obvious choice for most citizens.

The feature film will be preceded by the one-minute film “One Choice” by Katrina Larner, Honorable Mention Winner for Animation in the One Earth Young Filmmakers Contest.

Sunday, March 7, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Central Standard Time

Tickets available to viewers in any country except The Netherlands.

Please stay for post-film discussion:

Facilitator Wendy Williams, Executive Director, Community Partnerships Office of Civic Engagement, University of Chicago; One Earth Collective Board Member


  • Gertjan Hulster, Co-director, Together We Cycle

  • Arne Gielen, Co-director, Together We Cycle

  • Daphnay Sagaille, Co-Founder and Executive Member, Streets Calling Bike Club

  • Pepe Barros Hoffens,  Executive Director, Down With Bikes

This event is sponsored by:

Downtown Oak Park: Your dollars spent in Downtown Oak Park are the seeds to grow a strong community. Visit

Village of Oak Park: Walking and biking are safe and contributes to the increased health of communities. Oak Park is 4.5 square miles. Plan for more frequent biking and walking trips to get around town.