Ay Mariposa

Krista Schyler/2019/57 min/Wildlife, Conservation, Environmental & Social Justice

CHICAGO-AREA PREMIERE. FILM DESCRIPTION: “Ay Mariposa” tells a story of three characters in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas whose lives are upended by plans to build a US-Mexico border wall. Meanwhile the butterfly, la mariposa, fights its own daily battle for survival in a landscape where more than 95 percent of its habitat is long gone and much of what remains lies directly in the path of the wall.

Marianna Treviño Wright, Director of the National Butterfly Center.

Marianna Treviño Wright, Director of the National Butterfly Center.

Saturday, March 7, 3 to 5 p.m. [Lake County]
Waukegan Public Library, 128 N. County St.,
Ray Bradbury Room (lower level), Waukegan

Join us afterwards for an engaging discussion with one of the film's subjects, Marianna Treviño Wright, Executive Director of the National Butterfly Center. Also learn about ways to take environmental action through a local high school student's upcycling program to benefit homeless shelters. Facilitator: Diana Wence, Reference Assstant, Waukegan Public Library. Refreshments will be available.

Doors open 30 minutes before start time. Arrive early to avoid lines and get best seats. ADA compliant accessible venue. Teens and young adults encouraged to attend.