Welcome to YFC Production!
In this session you’ll learn everything about recording your film. Download the lesson guide to follow along. Consider optional equipment purchases to enhance your film.
2.1 Production Introduction
Go behind the scenes and lead a successful film team.
Now, think!
Who is going to work behind-the-scenes in your film?
What are their responsibilities?
How many actors will be on screen for your film?
Where do you plan to record your film?
2.2 Safety on Set
From script to set, learn how to stay safe while recording your film.
Now, think!
Write any safety concerns you have about your filming locations.
2.3 Directing
Lead the film through creative, technical and safety decisions.
It’s a good idea to rehearse before you record. Let people know what they are doing well and areas where they could try a different approach.
2.4 Props, Costumes, & Locations
Make the world of your movie.
Look over your script, list out the props that you need.
Now, list all of the costumes you need.
2.5 Camera
Use your phone, tablet or computer to record your film.
Reference and Practice
Return to your scripts and storyboards. Review the materials to plan your camera angles.
What device are you using to record your film? Test out the camera app and practice your shots!
2.6 Lighting & Shadows
Shape the look of your scene with lighting effects.
Now, think!
Where can you use lighting and shadows to make dramatic shots?
2.7 Sound Recording
Listen to these tips to record great-sounding audio.
Try recording your voice in a large room. Then record your voice under your blankets? Do you hear the difference? Which sounds better?
2.8 Production Conclusion
Go forth and record your movie.
Time for Action!
Go out and record your film! Be ready for excitement. Embrace any changes that come your way.